
I can see one of your branches dying plant, and I'm sorry. For awhile I thought my matchstick splint would mend the spot where the branch folded, but now I see that it didn't and I'm sorry. Seemed poetic enough to work.

When my friend gave me to you cause he was maybe going to jail I took you home proudly, confident I'd give you a good home. "Put it outside" my friend suggested, and I did, suggesting he garden in jail, but the wind was too strong and your branches broke and I moved you inside.

So indoors I moved you, placing you with the other plants that almost died when I put them outside. (While they're not as majestic as you your struggle is similar and I thought you'd have something to talk about). And for awhile, it was good. I'd water you with the jug from Trader Joes and spray the branches you have left with the green water-bottle I store above my Voice Over booth, which is badass. You seemed to thrive in your little hovel and I began to think of the smile on my friend's face when I called him in jail and told him how well you were doing.

But then I woke up and another of your branches had broken in the night, folded over upon itself, much like it's previous owner. And determined to save this branch I made a makeshift splint out of two wooden matchsticks and some gaff tape. Hurriedly I applied the splint, sure to support the weight of the branch and wrap it strong, for support. With breath in my throat I waited and watched you closely. And incredibly, your leaves stayed green. Proudly I boasted of having saved you like Mr. Myagi in Krate Kid 3 if he was the boastful type, and life continued on.

But now I see I failed you again. Awaking to jackhammering I awoke to see the branch begin to die. Slowly I will watch it turn brown knowing that if another one dies so might you.

And after I killed the Wandering Jew my friend also gave me I can't let this happen. Especially since he might get out some time.
