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Posted by
Ben Morrison
1/05/2010 12:40:00 AM
"Oh man all this being obese is really wearing me out..."
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Ben Morrison
Los Angeles, CA, United States
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An oldie but goodie ... (pic)
"Genius Bar" doesn't quite work. "Socially Awkward...
Ugly people in this town are fucked.
Watch my old friend Mark Malkoff get literally car...
My bed is like a warm vagina.
Commercials are so unrealistic. I've never even be...
I really need to put different music on my iPod. I...
I just drank a 5-Hour Energy and took a 2-hour nap...
Panda Express has one Japanese chick and 50 Mexica...
Ahh JM Eagle, you always know how to handle the la...
Taco Bell's new adds describe their new burrito as...
Tonight 1/26 - I am at the Improv Comedy Lab for t...
As much as I think I can find what I want, it real...
Mortgage FAIL
I am performing @ MINDSHARE tonight - it's like TE...
Mindshare tonight. It's like TED, with booze and DJs.
"Hi I'm here for some ethical drugs."
This is a picture showing just some of the cannabi...
It's high time.
Yeah, this guy's handicapped... :
I'm at Zanzibar in Santa Mon and my boy DJ Life is...
Freestyle 3 I am tpain is the best app evah. Give ...
My iPhone is beautiful yet AT&T makes it unusable....
So Crapital One is raising my trusty 5% APR to 30....
You know you're a fatass when...
Please donate to Haitian earthquake relief - it's ...
Cable is the new CD.
And I STILL love Win7. Feel like the winner of "Th...
I love being a nerd.
I'm gonna start putting things in my mouth more.
Mike Judge forgive me, but Extract sucks real hard.
This is what happens when trees use coke.
You're right sign, I AM going to rob that 7-11!
Trader Joe's is the only place you're encouraged t...
If you're a crazy ranting lunatic with an invisibl...
Your right sign, I AM going to rob that 7-11.
According to the locker at Bally's Bloods are "Ok".
THIS is why people don't like Texas.
Wish me luck...
Never, never mess with a brother :
I took this in the bathroom of Jim Hensen studios.
Men are idiots, sorry... :
AT&T Wireless is truly a FAIL of a company.
I always use so much 1-Ply toilet-paper it might a...
I'm back baby. I'm so back. Back in my living room.
Adds for Jamacian rum really get to the point...
Im sure this is what James Cameron had in mind...
Once again NYC gets the award for best Graffiti.
Took this in NYC. Kind of looks like the Tenth Str...
"Oh man all this being obese is really wearing me ...
I am deep, deep inside the nerd cave.
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