
Thanks to the media for making news entertaining, I can't stop watching. Thanks for the carpets in my room that make being here all the time so comfortable. Thanks for the Ralphs across the street, anytime I want. Thanks for the clicking in my ear whenever things get to loud, and thanks for the grinding sound I can hear right now. Thanks for getting me home safely last night. Thanks for the hangover which should probably be a lot worse. Thanks for Dead Can Dance on in the background, that's some mystical shit. Thanks for the "r" key on my keyboard that is slowly dying. Thanks for my sister's 3rd Brooklyn apartment - the apple doesn't fall far from it's older brother who is also an apple. Thanks for president Obama. Thanks for Psytrance. Thanks for this last little bit'o' weed. Thanks for my parents, I have a lot to live up to. Thanks for the chair I got when the rock band moved out and sold me a whole bunch of furniture for $150, which when looking back worked out very well for me. Thanks for the big room in this apartment. Thanks for my new roommate, he's surprisingly non-psycho for someone I found off Craigslist. Thanks for spell check being so merciful on this post. Thanks for what's to come. Thanks for what's come already (most of it anyway). Thanks for 6th avenue and walking to the beat. Thanks for highways at dawn and beaches at dusk. Thanks for my 20s. Thanks for my better nature. Thanks for my worse nature (most of it anyway). Thanks for my friends, I have no complaints there. Thanks for the internet. Thanks for Hulu, fuck you Cable Company. Thanks for dis beat. Thanks for that little bit of grass that always grows just after a rain in Los Angeles, it never lasts but it's really pretty while it's there. Thanks for...

Well. Thanks.