I've driven past this a number of times on my way down to Irvine, and recently I was lucky enough to have my camera ready. As you can see this place calls itself "Shoe City", yet the building is clearly a castle. Every time I see this I get slightly heated and wonder to myself why they didn't just call it "Castle Shoeskull" or "The British Knights of the Round Table" or even, "Excalishoes". But "Shoe City"... Why? Do they think we're all driving by in 1733 Honda Peasent wondering if the lord of the city might spare a pair of Keds. As if, in the very shoes they sell, we haven't strided well past the need for fortified walls and tower guards.
These we now build in our heads, where it's 1733 all the time.
These we now build in our heads, where it's 1733 all the time.