We all began with a big bang.
Moms like apple.
Tix here - http://ping.fm/lq91c - NYC friends! Come and see me
tonight at Batsu! an insane improvised Japanese gameshow with Face Off
Unlimited. Imma get hit with a paintball gun and I'm cool with that?
8:00 - 15 St. Marks pl $10
Due to unforeseen circumstances tomorrow night's NYC performance of Pain in the Butt has been postponed! Very sorry for the inconvenience, stay tuned for further info.
New York City friends - please don't miss my acclaimed One Man Show
Pain in the Butt this Saturday night! http://ping.fm/YIGIU
has the deets.
Pain in the butt NYC is this Saturday Night - for tickets and info go to
Who is this artist? Spotted on Fairfax and Drexel, WeHo area.
Who is this artist? Spotted on Fairfax and Drexel, WeHo area.
Pain in the Butt is TONIGHT! Come celebrate world IBD day with me and the  CCFA at the legendary Hollywood Improv. This is going to be such
Pain in the Butt is TONIGHT! Come celebrate world IBD day with me and the
CCFA at the legendary Hollywood Improv. This is going to be such an amazing
Pain in the Butt is tomorrow night benefitting the CCFA. Chelsea Latley's
Ben Gleib and Dan Levy just added! Details @ http://ping.fm/GGE3K
Check out my interview on NPR's Pat Morrison HERE -
Pain in the Butt at the Hollywood Improv has just added comedians Dan Levy
and Ben Gleib for pre-show entertainment. Don't miss this amazing night!
Check out my interview about Thursday's Pain in the Butt on NPR's Pat Morrison HERE - http://ping.fm/01C2d
I'm on NPR with Pat Morrison live talking about Thursday's performance
of Pain in the Butt in 5 minutes! Listen here
I'm on NPR with Pat Morrison live talking about Thursday's performance
of Pain in the Butt in 5 minutes! Listen here
Listen to me LIVE on NPR at 2:40 pacific at THIS LINK
Listen to me interviewed live by Pat Morrison at 2:40 on 89.3 KPCC today!
Time slows down, when you frown.
Pain in the Butt benefiting CCFA LA's Take Steps Walk @ the Hollywood Improv  is this Thursday! This is one of the best things I've ever don
Pain in the Butt benefiting CCFA LA's Take Steps Walk @ the Hollywood Improv
is this Thursday! This is one of the best things I've ever done. RSVP =
Tommorrow @ 2:40 PM I will be doing a one-on-one interview live with 89.3
KPCC'S Pat Morrison about Thursday's upcoming performance of Pain in the
Butt (TIX = http://ping.fm/vFqo6)!
All the info for the upcoming performances of Pain in the Butt (Thursday May
19th in LA and Saturday May 28th in NYC) is now on my website @
Sometimes I only shave half of my face (pic).
Sometimes I only shave half of my face (pic).
Am I the only one who thinks this Army Wife looks like an Army Husband?
Am I the only one who thinks this Army Wife looks like an Army Husband?
My Crohn's-tastic one-man-show Pain in the Butt is Thursday May 19th @ the  Hollywood Improv. Benefitting the CCFA!
My Crohn's-tastic one-man-show Pain in the Butt is Thursday May 19th @ the
Hollywood Improv. Benefitting the CCFA!
Mariachi band is the best way to walk into gym.
Mariachi band is the best way to walk into gym.
Announcing Pain in the Butt benefitting the CCFA Thursday May 19th @ the  Hollywood Improv! Check the flyer for deets!
Announcing Pain in the Butt benefitting the CCFA Thursday May 19th @ the
Hollywood Improv! Check the flyer for deets!
At the CCFA's Women of Distinction Luncheon. Surrounded by distinct women.
At the CCFA's Women of Distinction Luncheon. Surrounded by distinct women.
I just heard a blues song called "Baby Your Girlfriend, She Txts Me All The