| Oh HI! Didn’t see you there. SO What a holiday this has been. I have gained my target five pounds in turkey and mom-food, and I’m ready to take on 2010 like it was 1999. And for those of my friends in New York I am doing a show for ONE NIGHT ONLY at the wonderful COMIX comedy club (here’s their WEBSITE — http://www.comixny.com) on TUESDAY DEC 29th @ 7:30. With : Vanessa Hollingshead Dwayne Perkins Mike DeStefano and ME And, because I showed my jingle bells I have an OPEN COMP list for ALL – for FREE tickets email me your NAME and GUESTS ASAP. I will send you a confirmation so you know I’m a human. With a heart. So that’s that – please come on and buy me drinks. I will make you laugh in return… Or cry – either way SOME shit’s happenning… - Morrison COMIX INFO : 353 West 14th Street New York, NY 10014 (212) 524-2500 | | | | | UNSUBSCRIBE HERE
Melted. My. Wittle. Heart. Merry Christmas friends. : http://ping.fm/JBN7n
Transformers 2 makes GI Joe look like The Dark Knight.
Actually I was wrong about that. Zombieland is the best movie ever.
Seriously Hollywood. You're never going to make a better movie than GI Joe so you should probably stop trying.
GI Joe is the single best movie ever made. And I'm only 15 min in.
Man I love getting loaded and watching intervention.
There really are alot of movies about one man.
There are no fatties in New York cause everyone walks and there are no fatties in Los Angeles cause everyone makes fun of them.
I just sneezed next to a Christian who didn't say "God bless you". Why pass up the opportunity?
Thinking you're Jesus is somuchfun.
Frosted Christmas trees in Los Angeles just look like the tree has a coke problem.
I'm on hold with my bank. They're playing banjo music. Comforting.
This is a certifiably badass sand-sculpture : http://ping.fm/B5QOt
This might just be the most ignorant redneck thing I've ever seen. And yes, it's hilarious. : http://ping.fm/7KsoS
TONIGHT - I am at the Hollywood Improv - 8:00 show - email ben@benmorrison.org for guestlist!
Now THIS is a Christmas card : http://imgur.com/4tmJI
FREE TIX to my show at the LAUGH FACTORY 8:00 TONIGHT. Email ben@benmorrison.org for guestlist ASAP!
Holy balls did I just have a good workout. I'm BACK San Diego!
HOLLYWOOD HAT-TRICK - This weekend I am @ Laugh Factory Fri / Improv Sat / Comedy Store Sun - 8:00 shows. Email comps@benmorrison.org for FREE TIX ASAP!
Los Angeles GET READY - I am at the Factory, Improv and Comedy store Fri/Sat/Sun. 8:00 shows. email comps@benmorrison.org for guestlist!
Can't read the email? View it HERE.
| (I apologize if some of you are getting this as a duplicate – won’t happen again) Hello my fine friends. What a weekend we have ahead of us. All three nights. All three comedy clubs. A Hollywood Hat-trick. With three shows this hot you got no reason to stay outta the sun – email me ASAP with your names and the show you want to attend and I'll send you a confirmation email back. FRIDAY NIGHT – HOLLYWOOD LAUGH FACTORY - 8:00 SHOW Me Paul Ogata Butch Bradley Lowell Sanders for COMPS email ben@benmorrison.org SATURDAY NIGHT – HOLLYWOOD IMPROV - 8:00 SHOW Me Tom Friesen KT Tatara Bret Ernst Tom Clark for COMPS email ben@benmorrison.org by Friday 3:00pm SUNDAY NIGHT – THE COMEDY STORE - 8:00 SHOW Me Bobby Lee Iliza Schlesinger Chris D'Elia Steve Trevino Amir K for COMPS email ben@benmorrison.org by Sunday 3:00pm I love you with a burning fiery flame, which my doctor says should clear up pretty soon. - Ben OUT | | | | | UNSUBSCRIBE HERE
Apparently the Greeks and Romans were some horny bastards... : http://ping.fm/k4x71
The more massive the star, the shorter it's life-cycle.
Windows 7, you are a good man.
I will only buy computer hardware from manufacturer's whose products have never failed on me. In this way I am like Rain Man.
There will never be an end to the stupid crap on the internet. And I will see it all.
Douche forgets the "T" : http://ping.fm/J14Lo
I had an idea for a rad twitter name, only to find someone took it. this is that guy + he's hilarious - pls follow : http://ping.fm/PFOIr
TONIGHT - I'm Headlining "A VERY JEWISH XMAS" @ MBar in LA 10:00 - $10 1/2 tixs + info @ http://ping.fm/8Q7fa coupon code BEN
Sharks with human teeth. God I love the internet : http://ping.fm/xK6J3
I don't even know what to say about this pic... http://imgur.com/5p5p4
TOMORROW NIGHT Dec 4th - I'm Headlining "A VERY JEWISH XMAS" @ MBar in LA 10:00 - 1/2 tixs @ http://ping.fm/FCKdu, keyword:Joey's Room Comedy, coupon code BEN
I now have an expensive designer iPhone case, which makes me cooler and more stupid than you.
At some point I'm going to have to admit that packing a gym bag doesn't mean I've gone to the gym...
On my way to the Matrakesh House for the Nextaid party. This should get interesting.
Having trouble reading this email? View it on our website. BEN MORRISON'S EMAIL UNIVERSE | | Hello all my fine friends. As you may have noticed this is the first time I’m sending HTML emails. After 8 years, my trusty mailinglist software s%$t the bed and I figured it was time to upgrade. I hope none of you hate me / can’t read this at all – would be a shame to lose you after literally bajillions of emails. SO TONIGHT is the big Nextaid World AIDS Day Party with me, Ben Gleib, Whitney Cummings and the music of DJ Rap, Louie Vega and a whole lot more. CLICK THE GRAPHIC TO WATCH THE VIDEO I MADE AS MY DJ CHARACTER – DINO DIGITAL – TO PROMO THE PARTY!! HERE IS THE LINK for $40 Friends and Family tickets – THEY’RE ALOT MORE @ THE DOOR! AND FRIDAY : I AM HEADLINING A VERY JEWISH CHRISTMAS @ the MBar As many of you know I’m hardly Jewish, but Jewish ENOUGH to HEADLINE A JEWISH SHOW! ——– This Friday, Dec. 4th, 10pm in Hollywood @ the Mbar. Headlining the funny comic stylings of Ben Morrison. He is hilarious. Check Ben out at www.benmorrison.org He was on the show Punk'd with Ashton Kutcher and Last Year's Comic Driving Competition on NBC. Check Ben out on you tube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIw4s-gKCaE Featuring Adam Richmond. Adam performs all over the world. He was just recently on tour in Japan for Armed Forces Tour, where he performed for a week in Okinawa, Japan for the troops . He also was on last years LAST COMIC STANDING and recently on Carson Daly's "Last Call" Check out Adam Richmond's comedy at http://www.adamrichmondcomedy.com/08/index8.html Click on the link Comedy Demo Opening Act: George Haag. Not only best friend, but A COMEDIAN IN TRAINING. Hosted by yours truly Joey Herman, producer of Joey's Room Comedy. Joey's Room Comedy has been producing the best live stand-up comedy events for the last 10 years in Los Angeles. And some surprise guests! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL LAUGHING! To get tickets, go to www.groovetickets.com Enter Keywords: Joey's Room Comedy Select show – "A VERY JEWISH XMAS!" Tickets are $20. ENTER CODE – “BEN” to get them 1/2 OFF! — OC PPL – ON SATURDAY NIGHT I’LL BE DOING A GUEST-SPOT @ the BREA IMPROV email me back for guestlist! – AND THAT’S THAT MY FRIENDS – KEEP LOVING AND LAUGHING, - Ben
| | This mail is brought to you by MailPress | | | Wish to unsubscribe ?
TOMORROW NIGHT - Nextaid World AIDS Day Party ! Tix / Video @ http://ping.fm/zZBvu
 This just about sums it up...
http://ping.fm/glKQc just BLEW ME AWAY with his new multimedia- based one-man-show about all things alcahol! Please join his mailinglist on the link provided and ATTEND HIS LIVE SHOW on his upcoming run. YOU WILL LEARN AND BOOZE!! - BMo
 It specifies "Remove plastic before using". Seriously. How high are people getting that they're trying to roll blunts with the wrapper?
NEW VIDEO - Promo for the Dec 1st. World AIDS Day party with NEXTAID. Done as my DJ CHARACTER CHECK IT : http://ping.fm/IheoD
 God bless you iPhone 3GS
 (PIC) Arizona sunset.
 (PIC) If I can say one thing, it's thank God it's seafood.
 (PIC) In Glendale, AZ. the Released-From-Jail newspaper.
This is how men see the world.
Smoking a Black and Mild makes me feel mildly black. www.benmorrison.org just go there.
 (PIC) Things are on fire here at the Factory.
 (PIC) Unless you are actually mentally handicapped, this liscence place makes you an asshole...
DON'T HAVE PLANS TONIGHT? How about FREE tickets to see me @ the Laugh Factory 8:00 show. Email ben@benmorrison.org with yr names ASAP.
Kenyan food runs as fast as it's people.
FRIDAY 11-20 - Free Tickets to my show at Laugh Factory - 8:00. Email Ben@benmorrison.org for COMPS.
The nice thing about toothpaste is that if you forget the cap, the toothpaste makes one for you.
(PIC) This just about sums it up... http://ping.fm/YSIUz
FREE FRIDAYS continue! Tomorrow 10-20 I am @ LAUGH FACTORY 8:00 - 4 UNLIM FREE TIX email names and guests to ben@benmorrison.org ASAP!
Hello my amazing friends. Based on the success of my previous Friday nights I am once again hosting the Hollywood Laugh Factory's 8:00 show. If you're not too busy watching New Moon, I'd love to see your beautiful face in the audience. Because I have a persuasive dimple, I am able to offer UNLIMITED FREE TICKETS to the show. Admission is $25 at the Box Office so this is a great way to thank you for putting up with all my goddamn emails! Anyway, if you'd like to come, email me - ben@benmorrison.org with your name and number of guests. I'll email you back with an RSVP and your comp tix will be waiting at the box office. AND - DEC 1st - YOU HAVE PLANS MAJOR house party with NEXTAID for WORLD AIDS DAY. Thrown at the amazing Marrakesh House this will be the party of the year featuring LOUIE VEGA, DJ RAP, ME, BEN GLEIB and WHITNEY CUMMINGS. More info @ http://nextaid.org/wad2009/ - srrrsly - giving back will shake ya'booty! EMAIL ME BACK ABOUT FRIDAY - THE MORE THE MERRIER, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY GOT IN FREE. Kiss, - Benjamino UNSUBSCRIBE : http://www.benmorrison.org/mlist/maillist/unsubscribe.php
 (PIC) Goodbye Windows XP.
I am so hopelessly in love with Windiows 7. Microsoft, you sure know how to steal the best stuff. (Ben's gettin' teary...)
Windows 7... you sexy, sexy thing.
Oh yeah and F*#K Capital One. Please re-tweet this.
Capital One has just informed me that because of one late payment, my 6% APR is going up to 30%. It's expensive, to be poor.
FREE TIX for Laugh Factory Tonight 8:00 - me and Kid from Kid N play. For COMPS email Ben@benmorrison.org
FREE TIX for LAUGH FACTORY tonight - 8:00 show with Chris "Kid" Reid from Kid n' Play! email ben@benmorrison.org your name and guests ASAP.
(PIC) How pumpkin pie is really made (VERY funny) : http://ping.fm/TRfXM
Tonight @ 8:30 - The Jon Lovitz Comedy Club - NEXT ROUND SHOWCASE. KILLER lineup - for COMPS email abbbie32xs@gmail.com ASAP! - Ben
Tonight - 8:00 - The Hollywood Improv. A very special benefit for an ailing relative of my friend The Greg Wilson! Tix @ http://www.improv.com
TONIGHT - 8:00 Hollywood Improv (tix @ http://www.improv.com) - 8:30 John Lovitz Comedy Club (4 COMPS email abbbey3@gmail.com ASAP).
Whenever I'm around people who are singing I want them to stop, but when I'm singing and there are people around me, I want them to listen.
OC PEEPS - Tonight - 10:00 - I am at the IRVINE IMPROV with The Greg Wilson - for FREE TIX email irvine@comedyjuice.com ASAP - Ben.
(LINK) A bear with no hair. http://ping.fm/IJBvK
(PIC) Sometimes, two separate posts are fine. http://ping.fm/nKEaW
Hello my fine list of friends. I have been sitting on my futon all day hammering away at this computer and I think I like it. So - this week - we got some incredible shows - and I want you there. TUESDAY - IRVINE IMPROV 10:00 COMEDYJUICE Tuesday Nights EPIC shows + free tix --> for COMPS email Irvine@comedyjuice.com THURSDAY 2 INCREDIBLE SHOWS -- 8:00 - THE HOLLYWOOD IMPROV LAFF SUPPORT! - The Greg Wilson Presents a very special evening of comedy to benefit a young relative of his in need. The lineup is amazing, and it's for a good cause. FLYER --> http://imgur.com/kBW9Q.jpg TIX --> http://www.improv.com 8:30 - NEXT ROUND COMEDY SHOWCASE @ THE JOHN LOVITZ COMEDY CLUB This one is going to be HOT - already PACKED OUT and getting more pack'd'er - if you like Universal Citywalk and neon-stuff - THIS ONE'S FOR YOU! FLYER --> http://imgur.com/mCiCt.jpg ME Sam Tripoli Steve Hofsterrer Jason Collings and more FOR COMPS - email abbbie3@gmail.com - ASAP And that's that my friends - I hope to see you at one of these upcoming comedy-tastic events. Until then, I remain, Ben, Morrison, - Ben Morrison UNSUBSCRIBE : http://www.benmorrison.org/mlist/maillist/unsubscribe.php
 (PIC) Headed to a Mad Men themed party in the hills with @bengleib and @haelyscomet. Sharp.
Tonight! - Laugh Factory Hollywood - 10:00 show - Me, Al Madrigal, Mario Joyner and Bryan Callen - tix + info @ http://ping.fm/W9wyw
TONIGHT @ 10:00 I'm am at the HOLLYWOOD LAUGH FACTORY with Al Madrigal, Mario Joyner and Bryan Callen! Tix @ http://ping.fm/QGhuK
 (PIC) Jesse Kelly is going to F*$K congress UP.
There is NO WAY that AT&T is going to be able to handle the next-gen iPhone.
 (PIC) This is actually parking for suns rising over snowy mountain-tops.
Does pimping your ride make you the ho?
I'm headlining the PASADENA ICEHOUSE TONIGHT, 10:00 SHOW - for FREE TIX email icehouse@ComedyJuice.com ASAP. Yes. - BeMo
You know I'm surprised there aren't more Armenian NASCAR champions, cause, I live in an Armenian neighborhood, and they practice.
LA PEOPLE - I'm at the HaHa Cafe tonight - 9:00. SAY MY NAME at the door for FREE TIX!
 (PIC) At the IBD Support Foundation's gala. Learn more @ http://ping.fm/hAUWi
LA Peeps - do any of you have a westsiderentals login i could use? it's moving time... if so pls email me ben@benmorrison.org thanks!
 (PIC) Ben Gleib's burn.
ON LIVE NOW : http://ping.fm/szdgS with Olivia Wilder and Ben Gleib!
IN ONE HOUR - BEN GLEIB and myself LIVE on BLOGTALKRADIO W. OLIVIA WILDER. Listen HERE --> http://ping.fm/IirjZ
Apparently Kama Sutra's a religion. I'm now considering going to church.
Hello everyone - well, we got a busy one ahead of us this time. A lot going on, here's whats what. -- DVD FOOTAGE As y'all know I did my DVD taping a couple of weeks ago and I'm proud to announce it's debut on live-laughs.com. My boy Amir opened up for me (his set plays before mine). If you're a fan of my stand-up this is a pretty killer uncensored taping (and special thanks to my special friend Joe Tex for hooking this all up). WATCH NOW --> http://www.live-laughs.com/episode.jsp?id=56 -- TONIGHT! - Internet Radio INTERNET RADIO with Ben Gleib and Ben Morrison. Hosted by the irreplaceable Olivia Wilder, Gleib and I will be hitting up another spectacular chunk of Improv madness. TUNE IN LIVE - Tonight @ 8:00 Pacific HERE -- > http://www.blogtalkradio.com/olivia/2009/11/03/GLEIB-MORRISON-REDUX -- TOMORROW - IBDSF Gala I am attending the IBD Support Foundation's annual gala. For those of you on my list who know what Crohn's and Colitis are, the IBD Support Foundation is an organization dedicated to providing a mental infrastructure for those of us with unpredictable asses. While tickets are currently unavailable there no better time to explore the IBDSF's amazing network. LA PEOPLE - GET INVOLVED - the IBDSF has real-in-person resources for you! (email me with any questions!) WEBSITE --> http://ibdsf.com DONATE --> http://ibdsf.com/contribute.html -- WEDNESDAY + THURSDAY STAND UP SHOWS I am at the HaHa Cafe this Wednesday AND Thursday nights @ 9:00 - SAY MY NAME @ THE DOOR BEFORE 9:00 AND GET IN FREE. AND on THURSDAY - I am at the ICEHOUSE in Pasadena after my set at the HaHA - 10:00 SHOW. These nights have been MASSIVE - email guestlist@comedyjuice.com for FREE TIX! THAT'S IT - TWO HUGE SHOWS NEXT WEEK - MORE INFO TO COME! I love you with the heat of 400 billion suns. - ben UNSUBSCRIBE : http://www.benmorrison.org/mlist/maillist/unsubscribe.php
TONIGHT - Ben Gleib and I get JIGGy with OLIVIA WILDER on BLOGTALKRADIO. Tune in live @ 8:00 Pacific - http://ping.fm/YeXlB
(Please RT) Aaron Cohen need yr help - he's overseas freeing enslaved youths right now! PLEASE donate @ www.abolishslavery.org!
 (PIC) THIS is why people hate SUV drivers.
 (PIC) Now this is a way to make sure no one leaves the door open...
Does a small dog make a bad nose-job better?
I'm writing a movie about a pothead who goes to Vegas to smoke himself to death. It's called "WHERE is Las Vegas?!"
(PIC) Dear Dr. Ruth, I was married to a sex maniac... http://ping.fm/J3ZqS
You ever gone overdraft because of an overdraft fee?
(VID) I am so sorry about this... I am just so sorry. But please, get on my horse... http://ping.fm/P6vvU
I'm keeping on keepin' on. Followed by some further keepin' on, and finishing with a flourish of moxy, piss, and vinegar.
 (PIC) Los Angeles, smog city USA.
 (PIC) I love coffee.
Aaron Cohen is overseas RIGHT NOW freeing victims of human trafficking AND HE NEEDS YOUR HELP. PLEASE DONATE @ http://ping.fm/8qN4Y
Srrrously old people, there's no point in having a cell-phone if you're going to keep it off all the time...
What is money except little pieces of paper that determine what you can and cannot have that I do not have much of...
 (PIC) The one that looks wet is the one with the water.
Thanks to everyone whose RSVP'd for LAUGH FACTORY tonight. The response has been huge - tonight's gonna be INSANE. Tix still left! - Ben
COMPS for LAUGH FACTORY tonight end in 3 HOURS. email ben@benmorrison.org for FREE TIX to the midnight show @ Laugh Factory Hollywood!
LA PEEPS - TONIGHT - MIDNIGHT. I am at the LAUGH FACTORY Hollywood. Email ben@benmorrison.org for COMPS ASAP!
(VID) The INTERNET, for KIDS! From 1997! This is one odd hilarious video... : http://ping.fm/2uXKU
(VID) SENATOR Al Franken plows through a health-reform-nut : http://ping.fm/FrqrE
LA PEOPLE - Got plans tomorrow night (Friday)? I'm at LAUGH FACTORY Hollywood - midnight show. Email ben@benmorrison.org FOR COMPS!
TOMORROW NIGHT - FRIDAY OCT 23RD I have FREE TIX to my midnight show @ LAUGH FACTORY Hollywood. Email ben@benmorrison.org for COMPS!
Hello my fine friends. After 3 and 1/2 years of trying, I have finally become a regular at the Laugh Factory. To celibrato this I am performing on the Friday MIDNIGHT show this week, and have been given an UNLIMITED COMP LIST for my beloved mailinglist friends. So come on out and play at a whole new Hollywood club. These shows are massive! FOR AS MANY COMPS AS YOU LIKE - EMAIL ME YOUR NAME AND PLUSES ASAP TO @ ben@benmorrison.org And I'll see you on Friday night! THE LAUGH FACTORY 8001 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90046 (323) 656-1336 - Ben WEBSITE : http://www.benmorrison.org EMAIL LIST : http://www.benmorrison.org/add.htm EPK : http://www.benmorrison.org/epk SCHEDULE: http://www.benmorrison.org/live FACEBOOK : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ben-Morrison/97506767592?ref=nf TWITTER : http://www.twitter.com/benthemorrison UNSUBSCRIBE : http://www.benmorrison.org/mlist/maillist/unsubscribe.php
Do I lose karma when I pirate music?
 (PIC) This new foam clenser is makin' me a little uncomfortable...
(LINK) CSI Tech Explained - quite funny - http://ping.fm/Arx0T
[VID] Drunkest guy ever. : http://ping.fm/1xXCh
![[PIC] My porch has just been epi-cleaned.](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_t5bHyQ3_sXCUqolZaRj3hMA-8usdoQ6ko2yZTKJpMdHrHW6hcv-rnAz_HaIeq5ZXtwEsngTwvDnta0_FJNjsfDIbwgs2sEKbFK6i1BCcc-BDCgtdga=s0-d) [PIC] My porch has just been epi-cleaned.
Epi-Clean 2009 rages on. I was a filthy animal. Now I am a clean one.
![[PIC] My Ex-Girlfriend.](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_unykuFV98vr8v-pomvvP2erLHTSScdGiqSIH300KUV34hlnJxJ2HDr6j8KoY0VFx6xuqQ6_i8HjUNI_fDpSYAEvU4w47j4Wm5fXJdWtWKzp3utH4w=s0-d) [PIC] My Ex-Girlfriend.
[VID] Few videos made me go WOW like this one. Trust me. : http://ping.fm/3pr38
![[PIC] A doorway.](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_tJv0ZX5b_H5KEFbC1hk3M6NSZvjR46xoQ20ibV2LJCvRA1UCQyxdHPINrKHTJIgNUrtNgKhq6E0VymyKB7DeQoLPCpiWvETavJ48P08SYCzw_q4l2l=s0-d) [PIC] A doorway.
I am undertaking an epic apartment cleaning, and for the time being, the dirt is winning.
speeding ticket. wasn't going fast, but fast enough. i will save california from this deficit.
![[PIC] You must be reeeeally effed up to park here.](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_taKMCtcHi3DUFd1a51PkRwOKm_mnyauUfwXk6lh-Fnwu3BFRL2BrrmMBjVhKcQiWsTOR_mzqohGJjqQI2J4vYleZIl_mE_8nYhMo778UDYnZS6O5s=s0-d) [PIC] You must be reeeeally effed up to park here.
LA PEEPS - come meet Aaron Cohen - Slave Hunter and hear his amazing story TONIGHT : http://ping.fm/p6gSF
Meet AARON COHEN, SLAVE HUNTER - tonight @ the Hyatt Century City. 6:30. 10$ (tax ded.) : http://ping.fm/p6gSF
Tonight I'll be @ MINDSHARE LA - Enlightened Debauchery : http://mindshare.la/
Hello my wonderful friends, As part of my ongoing charity work with bad-ass people, I am proud to be emceeing a live event in Los Angeles with Aaron Cohen, Slave Hunter. Aaron is one of the international champions of the movement to end human trafficking and his story is truly amazing. He is also one of the co-founders of Lollapaloza. I'm telling you, bas-ass people. So please come on out to the Hyatt Regency tomorrow night, it's only ten TAX DEDUCTIBLE (!) dollars and we're expecting hundreds of people. Here's the info : ----------- Please join the Black Card Circle Foundation as we bring attention to the very important issue of modern day slavery through the dynamic real life adventures of best selling author Aaron Cohen. Aaron will be sharing excerpts from his book "Slave Hunter", as well as showing video footage that exposes the tragedy of human trafficking. Come hungry and thirsty! A portion of all food and drink proceeds will be donated to charity to combat human trafficking. Featuring: >> Best selling author Aaron Cohen >> Emcee- Ben Morrison of Punk'd >> Celebrity DJ Casey Connor Suggested tax-deductible donation of $10.00 at the door. JUST ADDED: Drawing to win from Westside Medical Spa!!! A Gift Basket with 6 medical grade skin care products A $500 Gift Certificate towards any service: http://www.westsideaesthetics.com Enter the drawing to win an autographed copy of Aaron Cohen's book & other prizes! Date: Friday, October 16, 2009 Time: 6:30pm - 10:00pm Location: Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel Street: 2025 Avenue of the Stars City/Town: Century City, CA Email: RSVP@BlackCardCircle.com SEE YOU TOMORROW NIGHT! - Ben UNSUBSCRIBE : http://www.benmorrison.org/mlist/maillist/unsubscribe.php
AMAZING INTERVIEW LIVE NOW with Aaron Cohen, slave hunter. http://ping.fm/WHdG7
ON LIVE NOW with slave hunter Aaron Cohen. CLICK TO WATCH! - http://ping.fm/U3oy6
Please join the Black Card Circle Foundation in the fight against Human Trafficking on Friday, October 16th @ the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel: http://bit.ly/FightSlavery
I'm @ the HOLLYWOOD IMPROV TONIGHT - 10:00 show - 4 COMPS : email mannysaldivar@yahoo.com yr name & +'s ASAP. COMPS end @ 9:45! - Ben
![[PIC] I actually don't know if I want someone with 45 years experience cutting my hair...](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_v3fORSh4scEEjnTNTs0QMBiRbMQrAOcdx3-YboxTrDX5Mz_0O7h-pe4i6UMMRtpZWHqAdl2mUK9r1JL_xJx3e7t34nYvYwEOzRDVXc_F81CWr6pYB1=s0-d) [PIC] I actually don't know if I want someone with 45 years experience cutting my hair...
I'm @ the HOLLYWOOD IMPROV TONIGHT - 10:00 show - 4 COMPS : email mannysaldivar@yahoo.com yr name & +'s ASAP. COMPS end @ 9:45! - Ben
![[PIC] I'm duking it out with the Ben Morrison azalea on-line. I think it's winning.](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_sXZZQ5ug_Eu2AjpVEfHXG-sik-k_HiO0JSIeozsfDf6VE1wwsMEYccjJU04xagjyafov-nGeucFEHaiunh9w5GKp8fjPqNGwqgnESFwodg8-oXYMc-=s0-d) [PIC] I'm duking it out with the Ben Morrison azalea on-line. I think it's winning.
Friends, please join me for an extended set this Friday night at the one and only Hollywood Improv. I already have an amazing crew of people coming out and now I would like to invite you. As this is a special occasion, I am able to offer all of you COMPED entry before 9:45. So come on out and play. This is literally my favorite place to be on Hollywood on a Friday night. Come find out why. Ooh, that sounded like an add. for COMPS email your NAME and PLUSES to : mannysaldivar@yahoo.com TELL HIM YOU'RE THERE TO SEE ME. and GET THERE BEFORE 9:45 (LATEST) TO RETRIEVE YOUR COMP. I will no doubt be hanging by the bar with a group of awesome people, preparing my brain. See you on Friday, - Ben (http://www.benmorrison.org) - just go there + THE HOLLYWOOD IMPROV 8162 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA (323) 651-2583; GOOGLE MAP : http://bit.ly/X2Vh7 UNSUBSCRIBE : http://www.benmorrison.org/mlist/maillist/unsubscribe.php
![[PIC] Who said evacuations weren't fun?](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_uScfQZV4UOi39rQxWvWGT5qwcgPuWX6TatNdsG9OXXNPvW4rfgrHmYmjJoJThw9CRzXx4DkOdhMW_jGBARKXqlBFTiG_QALaxJa1f58BdDcw47bvc=s0-d) [PIC] Who said evacuations weren't fun?
![You ain't got big hair like I got big hair. [PIC]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_v2KBDNMlM_iKLOi-Qa3QBqRv-ypJZvOFBYQxIKXAfTTr7taRI_k8WmtONG2S1eyyQwP0ryC-1qvEqesa5gH2PV0va_lnnSXkX3MEzx1SgZm3f2jqZe=s0-d) You ain't got big hair like I got big hair. [PIC]
How the hell do you get a zit in your nose?
![If only... [PIC]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_vlVmxK3vxwrgVKeGbbd8s04F4-aaCMINt4N5FRq9BYLrXlWGhMItypMGOAbjccnCiLN0bWWtT6hQ8dGlv4XFFtMzWQVOtasJXsvO6ynRFDRg_a6-jy=s0-d) If only... [PIC]
![An AT&T executive's nose grows everytime I look at this picture. [PIC]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_uTdE6wDO0Gk5OTC3O4_mq65_SyLq-qk0sXKTFrAGj1bGuAJP3Prtb8pN-z_dWgwubNRGsTtJu8CQuqTZ8iwcWOVFwQNhqdG12yRhnxQWRQQ0r1hVvb=s0-d) An AT&T executive's nose grows everytime I look at this picture. [PIC]
Banks and credit unions made an eye-popping $24 billion in overdraft fees in 2008.
 Password-hint questions are written by girls in fifth grade.
A Ralph's doesn't make a gang-ey neighborhood better, it just gives the gangs a better place to shop.
Citibank just did something good. Should be noted.
It is much harder to give a shit than be full of shit.
 This is why no one takes medical marajuana seriously...
![On the can, trying to make fewer poopie noises than the guy next to me. [PIC]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_t-lZjpekj200iU-xxRWIfAAauHer11teMO81lxU4JDOsVZ3bxSthwJufssOw89oSmeOU0uyluc6xPh43NFpJUSdU8ENMfZLQ8kRco9LKoxuJ3kndh4=s0-d) On the can, trying to make fewer poopie noises than the guy next to me. [PIC]
PATRICK O'BRIEN - a visionary artist struggling with advanced ALS - PLEASE watch and DONATE! : http://ping.fm/nUixY
![Burning Man Decompression. Perfect Sranger liveset. Good Friends. [PIC]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_tn6prNCEEN42qocJz8GyWTJvzKpV1tYrg7PDCpM5BZ-i3kaV0XusLGBySNpXWttZmEuw1GjSZGue_TuG7Qs0RT6-UNPXR3SzfZ0sMqxOltq5U20ooT=s0-d) Burning Man Decompression. Perfect Sranger liveset. Good Friends. [PIC]
![Slots for hemroids. [PIC]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_sMoN-y85H44Jj2jB8Kq2Oo4qR7LEJSrhzdnOTpszDyvVGyUCIEPa_lb6vCLfavyNDAk9fhRRQ91OPhOfkFr78XeQNbGZW1NMIQvIfhkuKFDNCHwYsa=s0-d) Slots for hemroids. [PIC]
Driving to AZ to do a college with old friends Greg Wilson and Marianne Sierk. (yelling) ROAD TRIP!
... Going on day three of near-constant ringing in my left ear ... driving me mildly insane(er) ...
Mad Men... Why did we ever have to live differently than Mad Men..?
LA PEEPS - FREE Hollywood Improv Tix TONIGHT! - 10:00PM show - for COMPS email guestlist@comedyjuice.com - best show in town.
NYC FRIENDS - FREE AMAZING COMEDY @ Comix TONIGHT! - 10:00PM - for COMPS email guestlist@comedyjuice.com - KILLER lineup - don't miss it!
Whenever they say an earthquake "rocked" someplace I always imagine the earthquake giving a concert.
American beer companies seem to think that a fancy can makes crappy beer good.
This month I will have been charged a total of $182 in fees for not having money.
Brittany Spears' new song about threesomes is so horrible it makes me want to NOT have one...
I LOVE fighting with my girlfriend, SUCH a fan!
And away you go - Roller Coaster Funnies - made ME laugh : http://ping.fm/c5eQN [LINK]
![Avoid Trauma. [PIC]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_uXrLQ-Deb100iLWYXmckokVX5Fe-jOIdQ-h-RhAyItUCpZ-Gl2TFlqbxrBAmSIzQUAlEluOgbC9bgSJhEivKfGy9RA_6d-58G7lJxhbgCumm2A2Kvd=s0-d) Avoid Trauma. [PIC]
![And 6:40 AM in Los Angeles is the only place you'll see Bon Ivar in a graveyard at sunrise. [PIC]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_uH6l4LHWHGvbNEwWlAfdIgl3cGLrmmjJS373HLgb5qdm4g40WY-YqG9h-XWUlAH5iMuU7rr6mkv8u2czI8xU2tD3aaE7peqxjSbWKdXugDeENiNfzP=s0-d) And 6:40 AM in Los Angeles is the only place you'll see Bon Ivar in a graveyard at sunrise. [PIC]
![5:52 AM on a Sunday is the only time you'll ever see this in Los Angeles. [PIC]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_vECTTaVYMSZ47nPyGNt0N5lkQRqleIXjhLee8bQjpXsUFlw9wkHHmYBz_2n9sfqAYCoTsRbRQHGwlRK9Q9YXe_mdA0452aCn2RWhzbRv3Fqsba3Xr8=s0-d) 5:52 AM on a Sunday is the only time you'll ever see this in Los Angeles. [PIC]
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